Radio News Report
Germans drop propaganda leaflets
August 2, 1940

From London:
1). Nazi propaganda effort to persuade America that invasion is imminent.
2). Confusion over German gun emplacements.
3). Leaflet raid on Britain, 4-page sheets as large as newspapers containing Hitler's speech called "A Last Appeal To Reason."

Dispatches from Moscow and Romania

From Berlin:
1). Report from the ground in the Rhineland.
2). Effects of bombing.

From New York:
1). Report of Molotov's speech in Moscow.
2). Russia hopes warring parties will wear themselves down and make themselves susceptible to Communist military and philosophy.
3). Spanish press demands return of Gibraltar to Spain.
4). Japan growing more and more bold. Will Japan's announced sphere of influence include the Philippines and Guam? Britain will not surrender Hong Kong without a fight.
5). No one believes Japan's policies will lead to war with America. Japanese press turning sharply against America.

6). Duke and Duchess of Windsor onboard American ship Excalibur heading to Bahamas.