Radio News Report
Germans are dropping a new type of incendiary bomb
August 28, 1940

From Berlin:
1). Romania-Hungary crisis will be attended to.
2). German attacks on England.
3). Minor air raid alarm last night, about 3 minutes long.
4). Workers in factories are instructed to continue working through air raid alarms.
5). Discussion in Gestapo newspaper of what is Nordic.
6). Winter relief campaign will open a month early this year.
From London:
1). Isolated night raids are now called "jitter raids."
2). Germans are dropping a new type of incendiary bomb.
3). English citizens are encouraged not to pop in and out of shelters "just to see what's going on."
4). Children should be awakened after the initial alarm stops sounding.
5). Submarine lost.
6). French warplanes handed over.

From New York:
1). Hitler will prevent Balkan crisis from exploding.
2). Germany intentionally terrorizing civilian population.
3). 4 out of 5 German planes shot down have no flying instruments at all.