World News Today
Japanese Special Envoy is Coming
November 5, 1941

1). Russians declare that the drive on Moscow has been halted on all fronts. The Germans claim to have broken the last of the Russian defense line and are 31 miles from Moscow.
2). US and Canada announced joint industry committee.
3). Japanese diplomat, Soburo Kurusu, is flying to the US to improve relations.

From London:
1). More details on war in Russia.
2). It's been more than three months since London had a real raid.
3). It's reported that some German planes now carry fenders on their noses to cut through the cables of the barrage balloons.
4). Canned foods are just beginning to be rationed.

From Washington:
1). U-boats are operating within site of Newfoundland, Canada.
2). Submarines now hunt in packs
3). Special envoy from Japan is coming to Washington.
4). Japan's threats usually don't amount to much.

From New York:
1). Arrival of Kurusu is of vital importance. Speculation as to what his arrival means.
2). Problems between British and Vichy governments.