John W. Vandercook
December 8, 1941, 6:45 pm EST

0:00: John W. Vandercook summarizes the declaration of war on Japan. Earl Godwin reports from Washington that Congress is now asking questions as to what happened at Pearl Harbor, why we were taken by surprise. Representative Dingell (D-MI) will ask congress to look into it tomorrow. Court martial proceedings may be asked for, including for Admiral Kimmel. During the House vote, someone yelled to Jeannette Rankin, "Sit down sister." That damage done at Pearl Harbor may have been worse than what the government is telling us.

4:55: Report from London. Speculation on the status of the Tripartite Pact.

6:35 (7:51 a.m. in Manila): Bert Silan reports from Manila on the official report on the Japanese attack. About ten Japanese bombers were involved in the attack on Nichols Field. One soldier was killed, twelve were wounded. Families will be evacuated from Nichols Field. The air raid warning was in effect from 3:09 until after 7:00 this morning.

11:00 Back to New York: More news updates. Germany blames Japanese attack on Roosevelt. The Tripartite Pact is being discussed. In Singapore, British are attacking Japanese transports.