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History on the Net > Authentic History > 1946-1960


Origins of the Cold War: 1946-1950
Origins of the Cold War: 1946-1950

This section covers the crucial early years of the cold war, from the use of the atomic bomb to end WWII until the beginning of the Korean War 5 years later.

The Korean War
The Korean War: 1950-1953

Contains a multimedia timeline, and sub-sections on Korean War music and how the war was presented in comic books.

Timeline: The Cold War Continued: 1953-1960
The Cold War: 1953-1960
[planned for the future]


The Cold War Homefront
The Cold War Home Front
Includes sub-sections on McCarthyism, anti-Commie pop culture, civil and home defense, atomic culture, the space race, Cold War music, and the Cold War in comic books.
Political News
Political News
[planned for the future]


Entertainment & Human Interest
Entertainment & Human Interest
[planned for the future]


Rise of the Middle Class
Rise of the American Middle Class
[planned for the future]


Civil Rights
Civil Rights

Includes 3 sections: Postwar civil rights from 1946-1953, the Surge Forward: 1953-1960, and African American celebrity

Resisting Conformity: 1950s Unrest
Resisting Conformity: 1950s Unrest
[planned for the future]


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Last modified January 28, 2013