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The Kennedy Mystique

The Kennedy Mystique
A more detailed analysis of this subject is planned for the future. In the meantime, this archive of sources is presented.
Life, 12/6/64
Life, 12/6/64
Authors Jon Goodman, Hugh Sidey, Letitia Baldridge, Robert Dallek, and Barbara Baker Burrows wrote in their book, The Kennedy Mystique: Creating Camelot (2006) and JFK and Jackie were recognized the PR value of using the media to promote a certain image of the First Family. Journalists were encouraged to take photographs of private as well as public moments. Sometimes what appear to be candid moments were actually staged. Use of the word "Camelot" to describe the Kennedy mystique first appeared in print in the December 6, 1963 issue of Life. This article, written by Theodore H. White, is attributed with having played a major role in establishing and fixing the Camelot image of the Kennedy Administration and period in the popular mind.
Inauguration Ceremonies Ticket
Inauguration Ceremonies Ticket
Inaugural Ball Photo, 1/20/61
Inaugural Ball Photo, 1/20/61
JFK, Jackie, and Caroline, c. 1961
JFK, Jackie, and Caroline, c. 1961
JFK & JFK Jr., 5/25/62
JFK & JFK Jr., 5/25/62
JFK & Jackie, 11/29/62
JFK & Jackie, 11/29/62
JFK & Jackie, c. 1963
JFK & Jackie, c. 1963
JFK & Caroline, 1/1/63
JFK & Caroline, 1/1/63
JFK & Caroline, 1/1/63
JFK & Caroline, 1/1/63
"Manna Overboard!!"
sound "Breakfast at the White House" excerpt from "Manna Overboard!!" by Charlie Manna, 1961
The First Family
"The First Family," by Bob Booker & Earl Doude
sound "After Dinner Conversations |
sound Saturday Night, Sunday Morning
"The Presidential Press Conference" by the Sickniks, c. 1961
sound "The Presidential Press Conference" by the Sickniks, c. 1961
Other Pop Culture
"P.T. 109" by Jimmy Dean, 1962
sound "P.T. 109" by Jimmy Dean, 1962
Combat #4 (June 1962) by Dell Comics (complete story)
Combat #4 (June 1962) by Dell Comics (complete story)
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Last modified July 18, 2012