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The September 11 Attacks & Aftermath


The Howard Stern Show

The Howard Stern Show
The Howard Stern Show
Announcement of 2nd Plane Crash
September 11, 2001: c. 9:05 AM
The Howard Stern Show is copyrighted material. The following "Fair Use" Rationale for posting this material is provided:

1. The use of copyrighted material is nonprofit in nature and is for educational purposes.

2. The material is presented in an historical context. The Authentic History Center is dedicated to the study of American history via popular culture.

3. Audio fidelity is 24 Kbps (Mono), 22,050 Hz; substantially below "CD quality".

4. Audio is streaming only. No direct links are provided for downloading and saving the files.

5. The audio is a short excerpt from a much longer original source.

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Creative Commons License
Last modified July 19, 2012