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The September 11 Attacks: Pop Culture Reaction

Email, "Taliban Towns Renamed"

Now that our B-52's are reorganizing Afganistan's Landscape, U.S.
intelligence has discovered that the Taliban have renamed some of
their towns to confuse us. These new names include:

1. Wherz-Myroof

2. Mykamel-Izded

3. Oshit-Disisbad

4. Waddi-El-Izgowinon

5. Pleez-Ztopdishit

6. Kizz-Yerass-Goodbi

7. Ikantstan-Disnomore

8. Wha-Tafuk-Wazi-Tinkin

9. Myturbin-Izburnin

10. Imma-Dedshmuck

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Last modified July 19, 2012