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Wilsonian Progressivism

Wilsonian Progressivism
The 1912 Election
The 1912 election was a unique contest between an incumbent president, a former president, and a governor. In 1908 Theodore Roosevelt had handed over leader of the Republican Part to William Howard Taft. Over the next four years, he grew increasing
William H. Taft (Republican)
William H. Taft (Republican)
Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive)
Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive)
Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)
Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)
disappointed in how Taft handled that leadership. In 1912, Roosevelt tried to wrest the Republican nomination away from Taft. Failing in that, he created his own Progessive Party (nicknamed the Bull Moose Party) and ran as a third party candidate. At theDemocratic convention, Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey won his party's nomination on the 46th ballot. In the general election, Wilson won 42% of the popular vote, while
The GOP divided by the Bull Moose Party Equals a Democratic Victory, Puck, 1912
The GOP divided by the Bull Moose Party equals a Democratic victory, Puck magazine, 1912, by Louis M. Glacken

Roosevelt won 27% and Taft, 23%. Wilson won the electoral college with a commanding 435 electoral votes. The two former friends and allys, now rivals, split the Republican vote, allowing Wilson to become the first Democrat elected to the nation's highest office since Grover Cleveland. Roosevelt's 2nd place finish was the first and last time a 3rd party candidate finished higher than 3rd place.

A more detailed examination of this topic is planned for the future. In the meantime, this small collection of images and sounds is presented.

William Howard Taft (Republican) Gallery
"Roosevelt The Take-Back Giver," Evansville Courier, 1912
"Roosevelt The Take-Back Giver," Evansville Courier, 1912, by K.K. Knecht
Sheet Music: "Taft (March)" (1912)
Sheet Music: "Taft (March)" (1912)


Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive)
Sheet Music: "We're Ready For Teddy Again" (1912)
Sheet Music: "We're Ready For Teddy Again" (1912)
"Where Will He Land?", Denver Post, 1912
"Where Will He Land?", Denver Post, 1912, by A.W. Steele
"The Confusion of Tongues--Sad Finish of the Republican Tower of Babel" Puck, June 12, 1912
"The Confusion of Tongues--Sad Finish of the Republican Tower of Babel" Puck, June 12, 1912, by Louis M. Glackens


Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)



"Address to the Boys Progressive League" by Theodore Roosevelt (1913)
sound "Address to the Boys Progressive League" by Theodore Roosevelt (1913)
Chicago Children's Benefit League Tag, October 19, 1914
Chicago Children's Benefit League Tag, October 19, 1914 (2 view)


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