There's Room For One More Star
Words by William J. Hartley
Music by Leo Feist
Published April 17, 1898

Look up Cuba! why are you weeping?
Why are you grieving day after day?
Justice may seem so silently sleeping,
and turn a deaf ear unto you when you pray,
Cuba! cheer up! and look forward with pleasure,
Soon will your sorrows vanish afar,
For in Old Glory's starry gemmed azure
There's room for one more star

There's room for one more star,
And Cuba you'll find you are,
Destined by fate to be with us,
and Spain will prove no bar,
Rise in your might and fight;
Cuba your cause is right
And Uncle Sam says remember
There's room for one more star.

Long have you tried vainly to sunder,
Cold cruel links of slavery's chain,
Binding you tightly a poor captive under
the merciless rule of your harsh master Spain,
Heroes who loved you, who fought bled and perished,
Striving to free you day after day,
Soon will their dream th'o' weary years cherish'd
Come true and your chains fall away.

[repeat chorus]

Nobly you fight ever resisting,
Taskmaster Spain who spares not to slay,
Led by a Hero ever persisting
and striving for freedom till he passed away,
Our Motto's fair play, and tho' Spain may raid you,
You'll share the freedom we now enjoy,
And with the help of the Journal we'll aid you,
Dear Cuba, Spain's rule to destroy.

[repeat chorus]