We Are Marching On To Glory For The Flag
Words by W.M. Browne
Music by J.W. Wheeler
Published 1898

We are marching on to glory for the flag,
We're marching on to battle for the right,
From seaboard to the highest mountain crag
The signal calls to duty and to fight,
Our honor and our country call us out.
the time is gone for waiting and for doubt.
The word has gone to Spain,
We don't forget the Maine,
The Maine and all her martyrs call us out

We're marching on to glory for the flag.
The flag without a blemish or a stain.
The word has gone to Spain
we don't forget the Maine.
We're marching on to glory for the flag.

We are marching on to glory for the flag,
From North and South, from East and from the West,
It's not a case of bluster or of brag,
We'll fight you mister Spaniard to a rest,
We've fought before as other nations know.
We never yet have yielded to a foe,
The word has gone to Spain,
We don't forget the Maine,
We're off to strike that fatal Yankee blow.

We are marching on to glory for the flag,
above us waves Old Glory in the breeze,
The murder stained and dirty Spanish rag
Shall be swept by Uncle Sammy from the seas,
Old Glory stands for freedom ev'ry where.
A flg that we are more than proud to bear.
A flag without a stain,
we don't forget the Maine,
Let any foes assail the flag that dare.