Radio News Report
Night Blitz Opens on London

From Berlin:
1). Attacks on England continue with vigor.
2). Attack on British convoy.
3). First anniversary of non aggression pact with Russia.
4). It's forbidden to remain in the streets during an air raid.

Dispatch from Cairo: Italian submarines sunk.
Dispatch from Rome denies ultimatum to Greece.

From London:
1). Suburbs of London were bombed early this morning.
2). Other areas of England were also hit.
3). German artillery attacked Dover for over an hour.
4). British planes attacked guns on French coast.
5). News from the Balkans.
6). British are now flying what they say is the fastest fighter in the world.

From New York:
1). Zero hour draws near for Hitler's attack on England.
2). RAF may soon attack Berlin in retaliation.
3). Greece in the spotlight.