Radio News Report
RAF repulses German raids
September 20, 1940

From London:
1). German raiders were driven back by the RAF.
2). Invasion ships were given another pounding by the RAF. Weather continues to get worse and talk is turning less and less toward invasion.
3). RAF attacked communications in Germany.
4). More on last night's attack. Detailed description of putting out an incendiary bomb and picking it up afterward.
5). German crewman bailed out and was captured.
6). Time bombs continue to go off in the mornings.

From Berlin:
1). No air raids last night.
2). Berliners have now caught up with their sleep.
3). English are gradually losing their cheerfulness as a result of the bombings.
4). Spanish are aligning themselves with the axis powers.

From Washington:
1). Division within the administration over the transfer of 40 flying fortresses to Britain. Currently it takes two years to build one of these planes. We may need them for our own defense.
2). Preparations for handling conscription are well under way. Still no director of Selective Service chosen.