Radio Broadcast
5th War Loan Promotion

"I'll be seeing you."

That's the dream of every infantryman holding his little piece of ground because knows the battle line is only as strong as its weakest link. And he's not going to be that link. I say every infantryman because we've finally gotten around to recognizing and giving a little credit to the foot-sloggin' soldier without whom wars can't be won. Your infantryman is the first guy to set foot on a beach, and he's the last guy to get leave, and the very last guy to get a string of ribbons for his tunic. Today was Infantry Day, and there's no better way to observe it than by adding your best and biggest buy to the 5th War Loan. Every bond you buy is a vote of confidence and another weapon in the hands of the men who are fighting to defend our happy future. Good night.