Radio Broadcast
America's Fighting Men Need Meat!

(Sound of aircraft)

ANNOUNCER: America's fighting men need meat! The best meat! Plenty of it!

MAN: That's the "why" of the Share the Meat Plan. That's why we civilians are holding our consumption to two and a half pounds weekly.

WOMAN: As a housewife I find I can still prepare delicious, nourishing meals. There's no limit on chicken and fish. And through my butcher, I'm discovering some wonderful new ideas.

BUTCHER: Now, I'm your neighborhood butcher. You see, we want to help the housewives so we can serve all our customers fairly. Ask us for new recipes and interesting, varied menus. We all must cooperate, now. Be fair to your fellow American. Share the meat, because...

ANNOUNCER: America's fighting men need meat! The best meat! Plenty of it!