Radio Broadcast
Patriotic Message From Fibber McGee and Molly

FIBBER: Ladies and gentlemen, we've been talking about ducks for the last half hour, now let's talk turkey. We're in this fight to the finish. And what does a smart guy do when he starts fights.

MOLLY: I know, McGee. He gets somebody to hold his coat. Somebody that he knows won't go through the pockets while he's in there swinging.

FIBBER: And that's all of us. We're holding the coats for our boys in the Solomons, in Iceland and Egypt and Europe, and all over the world. They're trusting us to see that they'll have something when they get back.

MOLLY: Yeah, so let's let them come home to a country that's kept faith with them. Let's buy only essential things, use less, waste less, and save more by buying war bonds.

FIBBER: Good night.

MOLLY: Good night all.

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