Let's Put The Axe To The Axis

Performed by Abe Lyman
Recorded December 18, 1941
Written by Corday, Mann, Weiss

Let's Put The Axe To The Axis

Clear the decks for action
The time for speech is past
Let's do the job we have to do
And get it over fast
Let's Put The Axe To The Axis
Let 'em know that their show is all through
oh Let's Put The Axe To The Axis
Lend a hand to the land we love true
With all our might, we'll fight
Because we know we're right
And then, again the future will be bright
So Let's Put The Axe To The Axis
And finish up the trouble they began

Let's Put The Axe To The Axis
Tie a can to Japan and the rest
Oh let's get real nasty to nazis
Italy will soon see that we're best
There is no doubt about the fact we'll never stop
Until we will, like always, land on top
So Let's Put The Axe To The Axis
And teach them not to pick on Uncle Sam

[lyrics transcribed by listening. Send corrections via the contact link on the main page]