The War Bond Man

Performed by Frank Sinatra
Recorded 1944
Written by Andy Razaf

The Sixth War Loan Drive now is here
There're many reason why
For all the things that we hold dear
Let's buy and buy and buy

Here comes the War Bond Man
Here comes the War Bond Man
He's priceless since the war began
Welcome the War Bond Man
The Jap, as you should know
Will be the toughest foe
We've got to win
But that takes dough
Back up the War Bond Man
We have a score to settle
On that far Pacific shore
Before we're done the rising sun
Will set to rise no more

Here comes the War Bond Man
Here comes the War Bond Man
Avenge Pearl Harbor and Bataan
Buy all the bonds you can

Here comes the War Bond Man
Here comes the War Bond Man
He's vital to our victory plan
Welcome the War Bond Man
Why let your dollar nap
When they can set the trap
To stop that rat that they call the Jap
Back up the War Bond Man
The whole world knows the story
Of how we were double-crossed
Let's press the foe, take Tokyo
No matter what the cost

Here comes the War Bond Man
Here comes the War Bond Man
The quickest way to beat Japan,
Buy all the bonds you can

Here comes the War Bond Man
The man with a safety plan
For not a cent is really spent
But lent to the War Bond Man
When you are old and gray
Facing a rainy day
Then you can laugh that wolf away
Thanks to the War Bond Man
With Uncle Sam your banker
Every dollar has more sense
So lend your dough and really show
Your loving confidence
What would your fortune be
Without Democracy?
Give liberty security
Buy all the bonds you can

[lyrics transcribed by listening. Send corrections via the contact link on the main page]