Civil Defense Radio Spot
How Much Time Do We Have? Disaster on a Big Scale

How much time do we have, minutes, days, months, years? We don't know. But this we do know – Civil Defense is everybody's business! It's a big job, getting Civil Defense organized to operate efficiently, but then, atomic attack is disaster on a big scale. We can and must get the job done if we are to survive! Just imagine if only one atom bomb were to be dropped on an American city, say it's your city. Thousands of persons would be killed instantly! Many would be trapped or buried in wreckage. Streets would be blocked by rubble. Great fires would start, dozens of fires in a matter of minutes in many places at once. Then too, a large part of the city's food supply might be knocked out. The water supply might be cut off. Normal communications might stop; certainly transportation would. How much time do we have to prepare? We don't know. But this we do know! Civil Defense is everybody's business! It's your business!