It Takes a Tough Man to be President

Performed by Craig Moore
Recorded 1976
Written by Alvis Howard and Jay B. Frederick

It takes a tough a man to be President
Like Old Hickory, tough as Tennesse flint
Teddy walked softly, and carried a mighty big stick
Harry gav'em hell with his Missourri kick
Now today there's a lot of gloom and fatal talk
How does that compare to Abe Lincoln's honest walk?
Of FDR's spirit in that bad depression time
We won that battle, not with tears, but with sweat & honest grind
Yeah, it takes a tough man to be President
We like Ike, his jacket, and that famous grin
They more than erase one man's sin
America may be down right now
But damn, she's not dead
Enemies remember Monroe
So watch careful where you tread
Washington and Jefferson were men of super strength
Who forged a mighty nation with majestic length
It takes a tough man to be President
In 200 years we've reached 1976
And now we've got another President to pick
So chose him well, America my friend
For we have a lot of hearts, fences, and gates to mend
There's a land to claim and a peace to be sought
Yes America is something that God truly wrought
And it takes a mighty, mighty tough man to be President

[lyrics transcribed by listening. Send corrections via the contact link on the main page]