J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Revolution and Colonies

Articles on the Founding Fathers, and the culture and history of the Revolutionary and pre-Revolutionary eras

Articles on the Founding Fathers, and the culture and history of the Revolutionary and pre-Revolutionary eras


Revolution and Colonies

This page contains a comprehensive listing of all pages in this category. This article is part of our larger resource on the Colonial America culture, society, economics, and warfare. Click here for our comprehensive article on Colonial America.

Benjamin Franklin’s Inventions

Benjamin Franklin was not only one of the founding fathers, he was also a printer, postmaster, diplomat, leading author, scientist, swimmer and inventor. In between engineering the U.S. postal system, starting the first lending library in the U.S., running a print shop and starting up the American revolution, he was…

Fun Facts About George Washington

George Washington, the first president of the U.S. is a legendary figure who left a great legacy through the accomplishments in his life. Because of his fame, there are also many legends and stories about him that are doing the rounds. Let’s explore some of the fun facts about this…

What is Federalism and How Does It Work?

What is Federalism? Federalism is a political system through which two or more governments have shared authority over the same geographical area. Most democratic countries in the world are governed by a federal system, including Canada, the U.S., Australia, India and Argentina. Even the EU is a federal system, although…

Who Was the King of England During the American Revolution

King George III ruled over Great Britain during the American Revolution. He came to the throne at the end of the French and Indian War, which had left Britain with a lot of debt. The English decided to change their policies in the colonies and started imposing taxes, which enraged…

What Was the American Revolution?

The American Revolution was a political rebellion by the people from the Thirteen American Colonies who wanted independence from Britain and rejected the British authority. This revolution took place between 1765 and 1783 and culminated in the American Revolutionary War, which caused other European countries to get involved and ended…

Revolutionary War: When Exactly Did It End?

When Did The Revolutionary War End? The American War of Independence or Revolutionary War started in 1775 and lasted 8 long years until 1783 when it finally came to an end and the North American colonies finally gained their independence. The war started as a rebellion of the thirteen colonies…

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party is considered to have been an important event in American History, one that greatly contributed to the American Revolution. On December 16, 1773, demonstrators destroyed an entire East India Company Tea Shipment as part of a political protest to tea taxes and the Tea Act. The…

What is the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. foreign policy that was established in 1823 by President James Monroe. The doctrine states that, if any external political powers would try to interfere in the Americas (North and South), it could be regarded as a hostile act against the United States. Context By…

When Was the Declaration of Independence Written?

The Declaration of Independence, which became one of the most important documents in American history, wasn't written on a single date, but rather over a period of time between June 11 and July 4, 1776. The document is an announcement that the thirteen American colonies now regard themselves as sovereign,…

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