J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

World War Two

All category topics on the military, political, social, and cultural aspects of the Second World War.

All category topics on the military, political, social, and cultural aspects of the Second World War.

Manhattan Project: What Was It and What Happened?

The Manhattan Project was a code name of an effort started in late 1941 to design and build the atomic bomb. In 1939, Einstein and other scientists urged the American Government to start building an atomic bomb when they heard that German physicists had discovered the secrets of splitting uranium…

Josef Mengele: What Were the Human Experiments?

Josef Mengele was an anthropologist and SS physician, who is infamous for his inhuman medical experiments on the prisoners in Auschwitz, a Nazi concentration camp. He used to be an assistant to Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, a scientist who did a lot of research on twins, and did his own…

why did japan attack pearl harbor

Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? A Comprehensive Analysis

Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? After more than 75 years, the question remains for students of the history of World War Two: Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? The attack on Pearl Harbor ranks as the most successful military surprise attack in the early years of combined naval/aerial combat.…

What Was Operation Overlord and How Did It End?

Operation Overlord was the code name of what is known today as D-Day, the invasion of Europe via Normandy in June 1944, which ended up a great success. By 1944 Nazi Germany was controlling  France and most of Western Europe, making it very hard for the Allies to launch attacks.…

How Long Was Anne Frank in Hiding and What Happened?

How Long Was Anne Frank in Hiding during World War 2? When Anne Frank and her family went into hiding on Monday, July 6, 1942, they had no idea that they would stay there without going outside once for two years. The Secret Annex Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, had…

when did america enter ww2

When Did America Enter WW2? Why Did Japan Attack?

When Did America Enter WW2? A Not-So-Straightforward Answer When Did America Enter WW2? America officially only entered World War 2 two years into the war on December 8, 1941, when all but one member of Congress passed the motion one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Although America…

Fuhrer: What Does The Title Actually Mean?

Before Hitler claimed it as his personal title, Führer simply meant "leader" or "guide" in German. It was also used as a military title for commanders who lacked the qualifications to hold permanent command. Since its connotation to Nazi Germany, führer is not used in political context anymore, but may…

who was president during pearl harbor

Who Was President During Pearl Harbor?

Who Was President During Pearl Harbor? Franklin D Roosevelt was president of the United States on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese conducted an attack on Pearl Harbor. This attack caused America's entry into World War 2. Roosevelt Expected an Attack Roosevelt expected an attack by the Japanese, but conspiracy…

Kristallnacht: What Was It?

Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) took place between 9 and 10 November on 1939 when non-Jewish Germans and SA paramilitary killed and arrested thousands of Jews all across Austria and Nazi Germany. It was the first time that Nazi policies against Jews became violent on such a large scale.…

Where is Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was one of Germany's largest death camps where thousands of Jews were exterminated. It is situated in southern Poland, which at the time had been annexed by Germany. It is located close to Oświęcim, an industrial town, but the cities Krakow (70km) and Katowice (40km) are better known today.…

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