J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Undeserving Poor

A Tudor term for those people who were able to work but chose not to. They were also called sturdy beggars and idle beggars.


Military units or groups of soldiers, armed vehicles or cavalry.


The name given to the inhabitants of the city-state of Troy.


A group of generally illiterate people sharing common ancestry, customs and traditions ruled by a leader.

Trench Foot

A foot condition caused by spending prolonged periods of time standing in water. Soldiers fighting in the trenches of World War One were especially prone to this condition and/or frostbite. To prevent trench foot, soldiers were instructed to change their socks frequently, wear waterproof footwear and to cover their feet…

Trench Block

A wood and wire structure that was made to block the trenches and prevent the enemy from advancing through a trench system. 


A long narrow ditch used to protect and hide oneself from attack. Trench warfare is most commonly associated with World War One.


An agreement or contract between two or more nations or sovereigns, formally signed and ratified. For example: a treaty of peace or a treaty of alliance.

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