J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies


A crime against one's country. The offence of attempting to overthrow the government or rule of a country or betraying a country by passing secret information to a foreign country.

Trading Post

A station or store in a remote area established for the buying and/or selling of goods.


A cigar shaped, self-propelled underwater missile designed to detonate on impact. It can be launched from submarine, ship or plane.


Ceremony where a title is given to someone.


A medieval tax of one tenth of profit made payable to the monarch

Thegn (Thane)

In Anglo-Saxon times this was the name given to a freeman who had been granted land in return for military service.

Test Acts

A series of Acts of Parliament passed in 1673 which banned Roman Catholics from holding official positions in Great Britain


The systematic use of violence as a means to intimidate or force societies or governments to instigate changes. A person who engages in terrorism is called a terrorist.


A compulsory contribution made by inhabitants of a place to pay for the government and upkeep of that place.

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