J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies



This section has been created to answer some of the most popular and interesting history-related questions our users may ask. In Ask HistoryOnTheNet, we hope to provide many interesting tidbits of information that make history all the more fascinating.

If you share our passion for history and have any questions you would like to see answered, we would love to hear from you. If you have any other suggestions or think we don’t quite have our facts straight, you are also more than welcome to contact us.

How Many Americans Died in WW2?

How Many Americans Died in WW2? Here Is A Breakdown

How Many Americans Died in WW2? World War II has been the bloodiest war in human history, killing over 60 million people. This means that around 3 percent of the entire 1939 world population died in the war. Although most battles were fought in Europe, America was very active in…

How Long Did the Civil War Last?

The Civil War, one of the bloodiest wars fought on American soil, lasted for four years. Between 620,000 and 750,000 American soldiers died during this time. Beginning of the War The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when the Confederates bombed and took over Fort Sumter in South Carolina.…

How Many Soldiers Died in the Civil War?

An 1889 study by Thomas L. Livermore and William F. Fox placed the number of fatalities from not only combat, but also disease, starvation and accidents on around 620,000. This number represented around 360,000 from the Union (North) and 260,000 from the Confederates. A new study by J. David Hacker…

Reasons for Dropping the Atomic Bomb

President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has always been a highly debatable topic. According to Truman himself, he did this from a purely military viewpoint: dropping the bomb would end the war quickly and effectively, with the least amount of…

What Were The Most Important Battles in History?

It is hard to say for sure which battles were the most important in the history of humankind, but the world may certainly have looked a lot different if certain battles were not fought and won by the right people... Battle of Marathon, 490 BC The Battle of Marathon was…

The Bloodiest Battle In History

The Battle of Stalingrad was arguably the bloodiest battle in history, claiming a total of 1,971,00 lives, of which 841 000 on the German side and 1 130 000 Soviet. Fought during WW2, between August 1942 and February 1943, this battle was all about gaining control of Stalingrad (now known…

Where did the Civil War Begin?

The Civil War started on the 12th of April, 1861 in Charleston Bay, South Carolina, when the Confederates opened fire on the Union-controlled Fort Sumter. Why Fort Sumter? After seven Southern states declared secession, South Carolina demanded that the United States Army abandon all of its facilities in the harbor…

What Was the Iron Curtain and How Did It Collapse?

The Iron Curtain is a term that received prominence after Winston Churchill's speech in which he said that an "iron curtain has descended" across Europe. He was referring to the boundary line that divided Europe in two different political areas: Western Europe had political freedom, while Eastern Europe was under…

What Was The Final Solution?

The "Final Solution" was an euphemism for Nazi Germany's plans to solve what they called the "Jewish problem" by annihilating the Jewish population. Stages Whether it was planned like this from the beginning is uncertain, but the Final Solution was implemented in stages. Firstly, Nazi Germany implemented anti-Jewish legislation, boycotts, the ghetto-system and Jews were…

how many presidents have been impeached

How Many Presidents Have Been Impeached?

How many presidents have been impeached? This article lists those presidents and describes the conditions of their impeachment. A total of three U.S. Presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives. The first was Andrew Johnson, in 1868, for dismissing Edwin M. Stanton as secretary of war. The second…

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