J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Ancient/Medieval History Timeline

The Mayan Civilization 250 to 900: The Mayan Classic Era (See Main Article: The Mayan Classic Era) During the Mayan classic era, A.D. 250 to 900, millions of Maya lived in dozens of great city-states. The Mayan culture reached its zenith in culture, monumental architecture, great trading networks, the arts,…

Mayan, Aztec, And Mongol History

Mayan, Aztec, and Mongol history is all covered on this page. The Mayans are Mesoamerican civilizations developed by their people called the Maya. It is known for its advanced and beautiful writing system, culture, arts, math, calendar, and astronomical system. Click here to see more posts in this category. The Aztec Empire was…

History on the Net: Research History – From the American Revolution to World War 2

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"] [et_pb_row admin_label="row"] [et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"]History on the Net features articles and podcast episodes on everything from Ancient Near East civilizations to 20th-century global warfare. Topics covered include military history, diplomacy, everyday life, biographies, and schematics of fortifications—whether you’re looking for a medieval castle or World War I trench.…

These Are History’s Nine Most Insane Rulers

Few mixtures are as toxic as absolute power and insanity. When nothing stands between a leader's delusional whims and seeing them carried out, all sorts of bizarre outcomes are possible. This is the beginning of a series launch in tandem with Scott's new book "History's Nine Most Insane Rulers." We…

Why Dan Carlin Believes That The End is Always Near

With the endless talk of COVID-19, many think we are facing an unprecedented threat of the collapse of our civilization. But Dan Carlin, host of Hardcore History, doesn’t believe anything we are facing is unprecedented. He’s spent years looking at apocalyptic moments from the past as a way to understand…


Mayans: Overview of the Civilization and History

The Mayans are Mesoamerican civilizations developed by their people called the Maya. It is known for its advanced and beautiful writing system, culture, arts, math, calendar, and astronomical system. Click here to see more posts in this category. Scroll down to see more articles about the history of the Mayans.…

The Mongolian Empire and Its Positive Legacies

The Mongolian Empire has a well-deserved reputation for its brutality (it did, after all, kill 40 million in the 12th century, enough people to alter planetary climate conditions). But it's positive legacies are nearly as profound, if less well known.   The first aspect is art. While the Mongolian empire…

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