J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies


An enclosed, heavily armoured combat vehicle that is armed with cannon and machine guns and moves on continuous tracks.

Support Trench

Support trenches provided a second line of defence in case the front line trench was taken by the enemy. They also contained first aid stations and kitchens to ensure men in the front line had medical treatment and hot food.


A narrow drainage channel known built at the bottom of a trench to prevent them from becoming waterlogged. This would then be covered with wooden trench boards known as duck boards.


To follow another to a position of authority.


A vessel that is able to operate both above and below the sea.


Someone who is under the power, authority or rule of another.


A fortified or strengthened place, a place of security. Eg. a castle or a place surrounded by walls.

Stone Age

A period in history that  preceded the Bronze Age.


A nation or political unit.

Stalag/Stalag Luft

German prisoner of war camp for enlisted servicemen and officers. Stalag Luft camps were run by the Luftwaffe and were for captured airmen. The word stalag is an abbreviation of the German word stammlager.

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