J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

Founding Fathers

George Washington and Wooden Teeth: Fact or Fiction?

George Washington is, of course and rightly so, a name that will forever endure to Americans. As with most extremely well-known figures, a number of events or facts are attributed to him, even if he may or may not have actually done. In George Washington's case, there could arguably be…

Alexander Hamilton’s Role In Shaping American History

Alexander Hamilton's Role In Shaping American History You may already know about Alexander Hamilton and his role as a founding father of the United States, but there's a lot more that you may not know about him. Who was he, and what made him so influential? Here's how Alexander Hamilton…

Supremacy Clause of the Constitution

Supremacy Clause of the Constitution

Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. Marshall did not stop there. He unilaterally defined the “supremacy clause,” and the “necessary and proper clause” of the Constitution. First, as to the“supremacy clause,” “If any one proposition could command the universal assent of mankind, we might expect it would be this—that the government…

Virginia Declaration of Rights

Virginia Declaration of Rights

The Virginia Declaration of Rights is a document drafted in 1776 to proclaim the inherent rights of men, including the right to reform or abolish "inadequate" government. Virginia Declaration of Rights Mason returned to Virginia after voting against the final draft of the Constitution and quickly issued an explanation, later published in news-papers and in a…

Roger Sherman Facts

Roger Sherman Facts

Roger Sherman was appointed New Haven County surveyor in 1745, a position that led to considerable wealth and substantial landholdings. Sherman served in a variety of political and civic positions in New Milford, including juryman, town clerk, clerk of the church, deacon, school committee-man, and as town agent to the…

Who Proposed the Great Compromise

Who Proposed the Great Compromise

Who Proposed the Great Compromise? Their so-called Great Compromise (or Connecticut Compromise in honor of its architects, Connecticut delegates Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth) provided a dual system of congressional representation. Who Proposed the Great Compromise With the compromise, Sherman ensured that the Constitution would be the best document the…

Why is the Bill of Rights Important

Why is the Bill of Rights Important?

Why is the Bill of Rights important? Because even though many Founding Fathers thought they would be assumed and not need constitutional protection, they could be infringed upon if not guaranteed. Among those who thought that constitutional protection was not necessary was Roger Sherman, an early American lawyer and statesmen,…

John Taylor Writer Virginia

John Taylor of Caroline and His Views

John Taylor was a US Senator and Jeffersonian Republican who lived and served in the generation of the Founding Fathers. Taylor believed “the excrescence of banking” constituted the major crutch for finance capital and the paper aristocracy. Inflation and interest saddled the laborer with unnecessary debt. These taxes were paid…

Washington State Budget Deficit

How Would the Founding Fathers View The US’s Level of National Debt?

The view of budget hawks concerning how the Founding Fathers would view the national debt level of the United States is that the Founding generation to a man would be shocked at the current level of spending in Washington. Even the most ardent centralizers, Hamilton and Marshall, would have railed…

Author of the Declaration of Independence

Author of the Declaration of Independence

Who is the author of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson is universally believed to be the author, but how much input did others have? Many years later, Jefferson told Henry Lee that he wrote the Declaration “not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of…

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